Monday, January 31, 2005

Photo from Tsunami Benefit

here's a picture of the Old Town School Beatles Ensemble from the Tsunami benefit, courtesy of Marty Konopacki. I'll post more photos as I receive them.

This was a fun and fantastic evening -- we raised nearly $3,000! Posted by Hello

Ray Charles and Memphis Tribute video links

Here are video clips from a couple of Old Town shows from last year:

Tribute to Ray Charles - September 24, 2004 (scroll down)
Tribute to Memphis - June 5, 2004

The Other Senator from Illinois

Obama's been getting all the press, but Dick Durbin has quietly become one of the best and most influential Democrats in the U.S. Senate. Here's an excellent profile from The Nation.

A Different Kind of Prayer

from Killing the Buddha...

Friday, January 28, 2005

New Classes at Old Town School

For any of you who may be interested, I'll be teaching a class covering the music of Aimee Mann beginning in March, followed by Elvis Costello in May. This is under the listing of American Pop Troubadors (I know, Elvis Costello isn't American -- I wish they'd change the name of the class to my original suggestion: Troubadors & Storytellers, but what are you gonna do?).

If you want to sign up, stop by the Old Town School web site.

Interview with Seymour Hersh - "We've been taken over by a cult"

a brief interview with Seymour Hersh that will chill you to the bone....

Tsunami Benefit Show

This Saturday night (January 29) at 7:30 pm, I'll be playing at a Tsunami relief benefit at the Old Town School of Folk Music at 909 W. Armitage in Chicago. Several ensemble classes are perfoming songs from George Harrison's 1971 Concert for Bangladesh. The Soul Ensemble will be performing Leon Russell's fabulous version of Jumping Jack Flash/Youngblood.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

me (back in 2003, I think) Posted by Hello

Here We Go...

I can't imagine where this will lead, but here we go. This will, I hope, be a friendly, interesting and fun place to visit. We'll see what happens.

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