Monday, February 28, 2005

Pictures from Buddy Guy's Legends

here are several photos from the Soul Ensemble graduation gig this past weekend...

Ed, Ken, Alan and Ivy

Jason Klein on keyboards Posted by Hello

Arthur on vocals and tamborine (he also played drums at one point) Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Friday, February 25, 2005

Interview with Ahmet Ertegun

here's a brief interview with Ahmet Ertegun (founder of Atlantic Records) from Slate. Touches on Ray Charles, Turkish politics, Clyde McPhatter, Donald Rumsfeld,...

Listening to CDs with Pat Metheny

I was a big Pat Metheny fan in college, and got to see him perform at FSU in 1989. I haven't followed his music or career too closely since then, as my musical interests have veered away from jazz. But this article reminds me of why I liked -- and like -- him. He's the anti-Wynton Marsalis in many ways (and I mean that as a compliment)...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Poker with Dick Cheney

this has been around since last June, but it's still funny.... (scroll down)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

OTS Soul Ensemble at Buddy Guy's Legends

The Old Town School Soul Ensemble will have this session's graduation performance at Buddy Guy's Legends this Sunday (February 27), along with the Blues Ensembles. The music will kick off around 5:30 pm, with the Soul Ensemble going on around 7:30 pm.

Also, the Lucinda Williams class will be playing this Saturday (Feb 26) at 909 West Armitage, along with Steve Levitt's ensembles. Music will start around 5:00 pm, and we'll go on around 6:30 pm.

The Not-So-Quiet American

Graham Greene wrote The Quiet American nearly 50 years ago, and damn if history hasn't come back around. Here's more on the dangers of going to war in the name of freedom....

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

This is how it works

Here's a must-read on just how the "vast, right-wing conspiracy" functions, prospers, and what can be done to counter it.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Thanks for the Memories


Josh Marshall on Social Security

Josh Marshall talks about what's really at stake with the President's Social Security plan...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the Union

the guy at Jesus' General has some sound advice for the President...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Another photo from the Tsunami Benefit

the (partial) Soul Ensemble Posted by Hello

How to Speak Music

One of the most common frustrations that aspiring musicians face is making the jump from playing what's on a sheet of paper to playing something that's not on a sheet of paper -- "by ear," "by feel," whatever you want to call it.

If you know what I'm talking about (or even if you don't), read this.

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