Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Nick Hornby interviews Bruce Springsteen

here... I think my favorite part is actually one of Hornby's footnotes, because it addresses an aspect of Springsteen that many of his detractors don't get:

Every now and then, No Nukes, the film of a big 1979 anti-nuclear concert in Madison Square Garden, turns up in the middle of the night on Sky Movies. Springsteen is one of the artists featured: he sings 'The River', 'Thunder Road' and then 'Quarter to Three', the old Gary US Bonds hit that he used to play as an encore. In 'Quarter to Three', he does the whole hammy James Brown thing; he collapses on the stage, the band attempts to lead him off, he suddenly pulls away from them and does another couple of verses, stripped to the waist. It's electrifying, and funny; but what's remarkable, looking at it now, is that Springsteen's uncomplicated showbiz gestures seem way more 'authentic' than all the smiley, gleaming-teeth sincerity that James Taylor, Carly Simon and the rest of the performers are trying to project. What, after all, could be more sincere than a performer performing - and acknowledging that he's performing? (italics mine)

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Big Picture

With all the who-told-who-what? speculation regarding Karl Rove, here's the big picture....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Soul Ensemble - Pictures from the Gazebo in Welles Park

Thanks to Vince Yeh for these great photos from Sunday. You won't see me too much, as I was mainly in the background "directing traffic."

Cheryl, John, Bill Brickey (working the crowd), Tom, Arthur, Laura, Rahael, and Sandra Posted by Picasa

Ed, Tom, Mike (in the hat). That's me behind Mike. Posted by Picasa

Darius, Ivy, and Katy Posted by Picasa

Ken and C.W. (and Vince on guitar) Posted by Picasa

the Welles Park Gazebo Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Upcoming Performances in July

June was crazy busy....looks like July is shaping up to be the same:

Sunday, July 10 - Chicago Folk & Roots Festival
3:00 pm - with Soul Ensemble at the Gazebo in Welles Park
6:30 pm - on the Staff Stage with Mystery Train

Friday, July 22 - Country Thunder USA in Twin Lakes, WI
1:00 pm - with the Holly Staiton Band

Thursday, July 28 - Musical Magic Childrens Show
6:00 pm in Fellger Park with Roseanne Locricchio

Saturday, July 30 - Akron, OH
8:00 pm with Open All Night (aka American Sons)

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