Monday, June 06, 2005

Rewriting History

Since I don't have cable, I didn't see the parade of morally indignant ex-convicts (Liddy, Colson, etc.) railing against Mark Felt, a.k.a. Deep Throat. But here's an excellent piece by Michael Tomasky in The American Prospect on how they fit into a larger project to change the way we remember history...

I don't watch the news anymore (unless it's about the runaway bride) but I couldn't not watch a little bit about Deep Throat. My favorite thing so far is how Pat Buchanan comes unhinged in fury because his sole hint of true moral decency hs now been stripped. Nobody can suspect that he did has a sense of right and wrong and a sense of responsibilty anymore. No longer will the insdiers' whispers that he may well have been Deep Throat keep him off the permanent assholes list. John Dean is mad, too, for the same reason. And the fact that he is now seen asd a plain old tattletale.
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